What do you think of RapidKL's decision to introduce women-only buses?
Yahoo! editor
2010-12-02 03:25:55 UTC
Rapid KL has decided to conduct a trial run of a special bus service to provide more comfort and security to women passengers and to protect them from sexual harassment and jostling with male passengers during peak hours. What do you think of this move?
27 answers:
2010-12-02 04:10:18 UTC
Try another part of YAHOO! answers -- Polls and Surveys maybe
2010-12-04 03:28:59 UTC
Instead of women only buses, why not follow the limit set aboard each for passengers intake to allow for comfort and taking away or reserving a special bus for women are we not than depriving more people the use of the said buses during peak travel period?.....Rapid KL should have more buses on the road running the routes during peak periods to cater for the growing need of people that depend on public transport....Improving the public transport system is way more important than coming up with quick fix solutions that in the end does not fix the problem or help the issues at hand....are we going to have LRT trains that are reserved for women or men too?....please provide more buses and instruct the bus drivers/ bus captains to follow the number of passengers allowed onto the bus....if all of us are really interested in the safety of our women and children should we not take the responsibility on our selves to avoid rushing and fighting for places in buses and wait patiently for the next bus (that Rapid KL should provide)? Let us work together to solve this issue and not just come up with ideas that do not benefit a modern developing country.
2010-12-04 07:21:20 UTC
I applaud the government effort for taking an extra mile in providing comfort and safety for the female passengers. There have been some positive and negative comments regarding this matter. However, if we look at it more positively, most of the victims for sexual crimes are women. Not all men are bad, but there are some culprits out there who is always looking for an opportunity in taking advantages of women. A crowded bus can be a perfect crime scene in harassing women passengers sexually where they claimed it as an act without intention. Be open minded towards it as it will benefit the society in a long run. Put ourselves in the shoes of the female passengers who have to endure this everyday. Bear in mind, that with the over- crowded illegal immigrants in Malaysia, their preferred transportation are buses and commuters where they always travel in a group an act as if they are own it and do whatever they want. Some of us take it negatively because they do not experience the scenario and whoever within their circles of families and friends have not gone through it either. Imagine if it happen to our female siblings, relatives or friends, then we might think twice before condemning it. However, this effort must be supported by efficient bus service where punctuality and safety must be taken into account.
2010-12-02 12:52:24 UTC
Yup this is a good measures as it will help the women passenger to ride the bus without worrying been disturb by male passengers. As more of this kind of buses is introduce it will offer more jobs to the community as a bus driver. Getting a security guard in a crowded bus will not solve anything, it will just make the bus more crowded if they were around. Now the parents and siblings of the women passenger would be a little relieve as they know that their (children, sister, little sister, wife) would be in good hands and would be protected from the perverts that keeps on lurking around nowadays. Hey i'm a big bro for my little sister, always worried when she gone out taking the bus.. Now i'm glad that the government are taking this measures.. -Happy Big Brother-
Azanuddin m
2010-12-03 07:15:42 UTC
Why when talking about the sexual harassment, blame always goes to the men. Even though we agree with the idea of male and female buses, later on we might have lesbian and gays society, why? Because Malaysian people do not know how to interact between men and women. Everything must be split into two. Male and female. Later on we will have taxi for male only and taxi for female only, then we have airplane for male only and for female only, then we have hotel for male only and for female only plus hotel for family only. What else... restaurant for male only and for female only... Maybe to go to Penang or Langkawi, we will have ferry or boat for male only and for female only..

Actually sexual harassment can happen anywhere.. Not only in buses, it can happen in office, the mall, cinema, etc.

My suggestion please follow the number of passengers for every bus. Not to crowded. What is the used of notice 20 passengers sit and 25 passengers standing that being posted in every bus. Rapid should deploy more buses even in the same route during the pike hours rather than stored their buses at the big terminals..
2010-12-03 03:50:17 UTC
I think its a brilliant idea... Its totally going to relieve a lot of parents and family members out there, but bear in mind that the driver of the so-called "Women Only Bus" must not be a sexual predators themselves. Just like what we heard previous year as such the story viewed in K.E.S. on TV3; where a girl being raped by the bus driver itself.

Apart from that, the introduction of Women Only Bus totally helps. People outside of Malaysia may not be fond of this idea, and they might as well thought it as silly, but as for us Malaysians no matter what religion you are, women are still women, and they are positively weak (heart n soul). I'm a bus user myself and its a sore to the eye to see women had to scrum in the bus to get some spaces. It is so much worse when they are scrumming in between men, big men. Even if we men, felt annoyed being pushed all over when commuting with a bus, just imagine what women feel.

I totally disagree when people simply give solution that "women should take a taxi then". Don't you people notice why women took a bus in the first place? Its all about saving money and now with more security with the "Women Only Bus". My girlfriend has twice being a pick-pocket victim in a bus. She never wants to revert to taxi or drive on her own, all she wants is to save money by commuting with a bus and have more security while commuting with a bus.

People also may be bragging about Men Only Bus, that's not going to happen since Women are always welcome in our heart and also in our buses. As far as I'm concerned, Women Only Bus is a "GoAndImplementItAndNeverAskAgain" Project...
2010-12-04 08:18:39 UTC
i think it's a dumb idea. First of all, we don't have enough buses on the roads. Those buses are always so damn crowded that we are forced to pack like sardines when we ride in's a really nasty experience, i can tell you that. in Malaysia, the buses also don't arrive on time, plus the traffic jams on our city roads are unbearable! I suggest the authorities first solve these nagging problems before thinking about introducing women-only buses. They can increase the buses on the roads, make sure they arrive on time, and introduce buses-only lanes to speed up the travel. that is what we commuters need, not some stupid sex-segregating suggestions. education should be used to make the men respect women, not preventing people from traveling when there aren't even enough buses to accommodate us.
2010-12-04 04:08:46 UTC
from my own experience using the women only commuter coach, some men tend to make a beeline for the women only coach regardless of the huge sticker.some of the men who manage to get through even seem angry when the guards tell them to change coach. i wonder if men will be the ones waiting in line for the women only buses as well. i do not agree to women only buses, since it will double the waiting time for the passengers. right now i have to wait twenty minutes to thirty minutes for a rapidkl bus, to some male passengers will this mean they have to wait one hour for a bus?instead of a different bus for women, i believe it is more practical to increase the number of buses on the road, shorten the waiting duration and make sure the number of passengers do not go over the limit instead of treating them like sardines in a tin.
The Patriot
2010-12-02 13:27:56 UTC
I think that it is silly. It would be far better to prosecute those who are sexually harassing women on buses.

So, let me get this right, if there is a full bus and an empty bus, men will not be allowed on the empty bus, if that is for women only?

And what about those who are transgender? Do they get to go on male or female buses, or can they go on both?
David M
2010-12-02 19:56:39 UTC
I think this is a great idea. I support the segregation of the paranoid radical feminist on their own buses. Let the normal women ride with the men on the bus route. Everyone will be much happier. All those radical feminist can take the women's bus to the local downtown mall and go shopping together.
Martin Bates
2010-12-04 09:15:22 UTC
It's a good move providing that there are enough buses. Imagine a woman wanting to board such a bus having to wait ages for one. Also, what is going to prevent males from boarding such buses? Would there be enforcement?
2010-12-02 12:20:37 UTC
It's one of the most complex solutions to simplest of problems.

I think it would be a lot easier to just hire a security guard to ride on each bus.In case of trouble,he can intervene.

1 - Less strain on the logistical system.

2 - A few more people get a job.

3 - Fewer cases of vandalism on buses.
2010-12-02 12:16:02 UTC
Then fairness dictates that they need MEN ONLY buses too.

I don't know which bus the gays ride ?

Maybe they need their own buses too.

Why not have separate buses for every different group.

Men, Women, gays, blacks, whites, Mexicans / latinos, Asians, Muslims, Jews, Etc.

Or perhaps if you don't want to ride with everyone else.

Thats what Taxis are for.
2010-12-02 11:29:11 UTC
Well i never really had much of that problem before (nice company, and drives), but i'll bet some lady's might. Of course i really have no idea how there going to check if the passengers strait or not, before letting them on, i mean if hes going for security he shouldn't let lesbians on.
2010-12-03 01:48:09 UTC
Wow...male passengers whom disturbs female commuters? thats new! far as I know, a driver was actually sentence to death for rap & murder in kl...not the male the ladies arent safe still if the drivers male isnt it?

so what are taxi's for if they want to have their own rides? so why dont we have buses for the elderly as well? its either we add more buses on the roads for this system or add more femal the drivers who's not in need, retrenched them...add more jobless on the streets, thus creating more social sickness!

Or the one's who suggested this is an islamist extremist or a female rights extremist wanting to separate males from females?! why not go further, separate rail systems, separate lanes for car, separate buildings for offices...adding more taxes & debt to the country!!! just stupid!!!
2010-12-02 15:50:15 UTC
agreed and support with the decision for women-only buses, this seems to have more secure way to protect women from being sexual harassment and even robbed or pick-pocket's for women-only buses!
G-gurl D
2010-12-04 06:15:55 UTC
i think it's good to do so. those who are in hurry will not worry about sexual harassment anymore (inshaAllah)...even there're people who say they want women & men similarity, but they cant deny that women are attractive toward men n nothing could be done to stop that. so different bus for men and women is really great n i prefer to ride it. thanks
2010-12-03 00:28:36 UTC
yes? i like the idea, i was , hoping for our government to propose

this, very long long ago, cos nowadays, i don't see

some man, being courteous, to give their seats to pregnant woman

or, who is in needy, trust me, i am a regular public transport traveler.

i have seen, so many things happen, and i always, wonder

why, there is no buses for woman only, like they have in India ?

well, thats a good sign , i will 100 percent give my full support.

and i like the idea?
2010-12-03 08:32:28 UTC
The great idea...we have to do something different but the result positive...protect women from being harrass by people whose normally get chances...
2010-12-03 18:05:38 UTC
what crap woman want equality and also every thing their own way i do not know what the reasons are in Malaysia maybe more perverts but i doubt it.Here in UK it would never work we do not have people hanging on to every open window or on the roof
2010-12-03 11:13:32 UTC
...totally agree with the idea...those who don't agree can choose other bus polemic is needed here...i think only ill intent men or women will oppose the idea...hat off for the noble initiatives
aqua girl
2010-12-03 02:03:55 UTC
totally agree. it's a good idea to protect women passengers from being hustled.
2010-12-04 04:39:00 UTC
very silly,

why are those proposer trying to be god? even god created us and the intermidiate to mix and live together men and women.

To discuss this is a never-ending story. i would say...the proposal is "sucks"
2010-12-03 05:21:35 UTC
I do not support such a move. In this modern times we should not go backwards to implement such move..... Is ridicules really. I do not support such a move....
Kesavan K
2010-12-04 02:47:00 UTC
is it 1 Malaysia concept?

what about express buses/train/Lrt etc.
2010-12-05 02:57:01 UTC
2010-12-03 00:29:16 UTC
good idea

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