Now, first and foremost, I strongly suggest you slow down. After the first ticket I would think you would be more careful... like, a LOT more careful since this very situation may have been able to arise. So... bottom line for sure now, slow down, do the speed limit until at least your first ticket is removed from your record (in most places it will be taken off record after 3 years from the conviction date [this is not the date that you were pulled over]).
Now I don't know where you live, nor the laws where you live. But if you have enough points to lose your license, I'd say the situation is rather grim. That being said, find a traffic ticket specialist. They are not necessarily lawyers, rather ex-cops and/or paralegals. These people will go to court on your behalf and try to fight the ticket. You will need to pay this person more than the price of your ticket, there's no guarantee that s/he will win, and 'winning' is usually just having the fine/points reduced; you will still pay the remainder of the fine. Go see one right away; the more time they have to examine your case the better your odds.
It is expensive, but you will have a shot at keeping your license. I would find that well worth the price, even if it was twice the price of the ticket. Hide nothing from the traffic ticket specialist. If you told the officer 'ya I know I was speeding' it's information the specialist will need to know and may affect your chances. Make sure you keep opinions or comments to yourself; YOU need to be honest; let the specialist bend the truth.
Good luck, I hope you don't lose your job. Please slow down!