Our Transport System is World-class in the the Singapore Govt's own World!! Dream World!!
The price increases are forcing the public to subsidise these Transport Companies for their poorly managed costs.
Our Govt officials should be more sincere in dealing with issues, instead of coming out with stupid arguments in the extremes of a totally free of charge transport system. They know damn well that this is not the expectation of the public. Wake up Raymond Lim & Stop digressing from the main issue like an idiot. You want respect, please give more intelligent responses. Don't waste our energies on frivolous arguments. Take action to improve the situation.
The opposition Party has shown our Govt that they can better manage the cost of Lift Upgrading programs in Potong Pasir at more than half the Govt's Cost. So buck up & stop your stupid arguments.
Anyway, we don't need the Govt to subsidise the public transport fares, if the transport companies do their part to stay viable and cost-efficient.
This is possible, if our Govt & PTC work on improvements in the following areas:
1) Better use of MRT & Bus Terminals as Real Estates to generate extra Income. Learn from Thailand in using more of their Terminal Spaces for Advertisement TV Panels & Shopping Carts. The extra Income should be used to subsidise the operating costs (Overheads, Expenses & Maintenance Costs). Advertsing Space at Bus Stop should be sold thru more Agents or Auction Bidding System, since they are currently under-use.
Our Transport Companies are building shopping centers to earn more Income, but fail to use existing Real Estates efficiently for Income creation.
2) Discourage clutch mentality in our transport companies. Our transport companies know that the Govt will do whatever is needed to keep them viable, as their services is vital to the economy & the people.
This is the same reason for the bad state of the US Auto companies, that are waiting for Govt assistance to keep them afloat, as they know very well that the economy is dependent on them.
Our transport companies should concentrate on improving their processes & cost-cutting measures, instead of relying on the same few lame excuses to support their price increases.
3) Profiteering should be discouraged for Public services, by setting a limit to the profits that can be allowed for such services. This will keep out aggressive investors with expectations of high ROI. Bonds with lower returns & lower risk, can be issued to the public to keep out aggressive shareholders.
4) The Govt should do it's part in making sure that these public services companies don't suck the blood out of people who depend on these essential services, as well as don't encourage or rely on price increases to get better ROI for the shareholders.
5) Our Public Transport Council have to do a better job in auditing these transport companies with emphasis on productivity & cost-efficiency in logistics & management.
6) Curb Overhead cost - discourage unnecessary high pay by not employing over-qualified people for regular functions. Outsource high expertise functions to experts instead. This will reduce cost in the long-term.
7) Staff & Management pay should be kept low in public services, as it is suitable for people looking for higher job security & less demanding job scopes. As such, people who are looking for high paying jobs, will be forced to take up more demanding jobscopes where their capabilities are needed.
8) Introduce Relief Drivers to reduce Driver's overtime cost. This could avoid Safety issues from over-worked Drivers and generate jobs for the people.