how do i get out of a speeding ticket?
2006-04-08 14:00:30 UTC
i just got my license and u no how teenagers drive..yea well i wuld get in MAJOR trouble for speeding so wat is the best way to get out of one for a teenager?
Fifteen answers:
2006-04-09 14:17:24 UTC
Think about all the money you would have to spend on speeding tickets and use it for motivation not to speed. 1. Never speed in a school zone they will give you a ticket. 2. In residential areas never go more than 5 mph over and if there are children around don't speed. 3. In rural areas you can usually get away with 5-10 over but it is best to just go the speed that everyone else goes.

If you have already gotten a ticket then take the class or ask to go on court supervision. It use to be if you went to court to challenge it and the cop didn't show up you would get off but I don't think that is necessarily true anymore.

If you are talking about what to do as soon as you are pulled over here are some excuses. 1 I was going with the flow of traffic 2. I really have to go to the bathroom. 3. Innocently say I didn't think I was speeding. Also they have to have proof you were speeding so ask to see the paper with your speed on it ( they have to have your speed at least twice).

2006-04-08 14:04:25 UTC
Like the others have said, don't speed. The first one isn't so bad because you can go to traffic school for it and it'll get off your record. But that only works once every 18 months or something like that.
2006-04-08 14:06:32 UTC
Well, i dont know what to tell you. Maybe if you could tell them your speedometer was off it could work. Maybe you can take some kind of class so that you can get rid of the point on your license if you do end up having to pay the ticket.
2006-04-08 14:09:08 UTC
u cant realy get out of a ticket but u can get a radar detecter and it will tell u when a cop is near that way u have a chance to slow down and then it will keep u from geting a ticket.
2006-04-08 14:03:03 UTC
Make sure to note the radar make and in court, ask about calibration tests and stuff. But the best way is not to speed.
2006-04-08 14:02:31 UTC
Tell your parents . . pay the ticket . . . and take the consequences. You screwed up . . . you need to realize that the ticket was a result of your behavior. Try to improve your driving . . . and try to earn back the trust of your parents. They love you, and they will be angry with you because you disappointed them, but they will still love you.
2006-04-08 14:01:33 UTC
Don't speed... cops love giving them to teenagers.
2006-04-08 14:01:32 UTC
Don't speed in the first place.
2006-04-08 14:03:45 UTC
If ur inncoent then go to court and if ur nor inncoent dont speed next time
2006-04-08 14:04:40 UTC
take a defensive driving class online. i got one at
2006-04-08 14:02:28 UTC
flash um. Works every time.
2006-04-08 14:03:06 UTC
Well if you're a girl use your charm, if you're a boy, well then it sucks
2006-04-08 16:44:26 UTC
dont stop
2006-04-08 15:09:22 UTC
2006-04-08 14:02:00 UTC
you don't

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