I know this sounds silly... but how do you catch a bus?
2008-11-13 13:04:13 UTC
Its just... i have a fear of getting a bus on my own, and i know i need 2 get over it... so i was wondering if you could help? Like step-by-step what i need 2 do.

And also... How do you know how much it will cost?
And do you just tell the driver where you wanna go or what?

Thanks for answering my silly question...
Sixteen answers:
2008-11-13 13:12:56 UTC
1. You find two pounds for the bus journey.

2. You see what bus you want to get and where you want to go.

3. You walk to the bus stop and wait for your bus to come.

4. When you see your bus stick your hand out and the bus should stop.

5. Climb on to the bus and give the driver two pounds.

6. Find a place to sit or stand.

7. When you want to get off press the button and the bus should stop at the next bus stop.

8. Get off the bus.
Willow Natalia
2008-11-14 10:39:52 UTC
Where I live, this is what you do:

If you don't know where the stops are, you can go to the bus' website to find the routes and time tables. There's also a tool that tells you what bus to catch and when depending on where you start, stop and time. That's also where you find out what the fare will be.

When you know which bus to catch at which stop, you walk to the bus stop and try to be at least 5 minutes early. Have your cash ready - exact amount only, because they don't give change.

As the buses approach, look at the sign at the top of the bus - that's where the route number and name will be. It's usually a fairly basic description of the final destination, so if you're not sure, just ask the driver if the bus goes to your destination.

Deposit your fare in the collection box and find a spot to sit or stand. The front of the bus is usually set aside for the elderly or disabled, so if you sit there you need to be ready to move should and elderly or disabled person need a seat.

Pay attention to the streets as you pass them. Hopefully you have a general idea of where you're going since I find that landmarks are better indicators than street names. They're easier to see, too. As you get close to your destination, pull the rope/cord or press the button that's marked to let the driver know you need off at the next stop.

If you're sitting near the window and need to cross over someone to get out, politely excuse yourself and head to the rear door of the bus, if possible. Make sure you've got your things with you - umbrella, bags, etc.

At your stop, push the door if it doesn't open automatically. There are usually handles that are pressure sensitive, so push on those, not the door panels themselves. The doors are usually marked with something that says 'push handles to open' or something like that.

Step carefully off the bus and walk to your destination.
2016-04-06 14:41:57 UTC
If it is for a long journey and you haven't booked tickets yet as you are going to do that in the bus stations, then there should be a help point or buy tickets place available. you can often also book them through out internet. If it is a country bus network then how much I pay would do, unless you want a day ticket, but i don't know much about that. If you plan to use bus more often, get an oyster which you can charge eg. 10pounds for a few rides by the bus/underground. Remember to reach out to the street with your hand flat if the bus timetable says request stop. Always go into a bus from the first door, not the middle one.
2008-11-13 13:35:30 UTC
Its not a silly question at all. I also had a fear of travelling on buses. its not an easy thing to admit because its something people assume everyone can do or knows how to do. Well done for admitting it and asking for help.

Buses in different cities have slightly different procedures and I don't know where your from but hopefully with advice from all the people who will answer you'll be able to do it.

Grab a bus timetable for the route you want to travel on. Knowing your route can make you feel more at ease.

Wait at the right stop for where you want to go. I would suggest going on a sunday when the buses are less crowded and just making a short journey for the first attempt.

When you see the bus coming stick out your hand the way you would hail a cab. Some buses stop even if you dont but it can vary from driver to driver so I always do it to be on the safe side.

When you get on the bus, tell the driver where you want to go. Different bus company's and different cities offer different options singles, returns, day tickets etc. All these things can be worrying when you don't know what you want so I would just start off with a single ticket. In coventry where I live I would just say " How much for an adult to town please?" Some buses offer change, some don't so I would have plenty of change in my purse just in case.

Put the money in the slot or tray (depending on the bus)

The driver will press some buttons and a ticket will come out of a box. Take the ticket and find a seat.

When it is nearly time to get off the bus, press one of the buttons to let the driver know. These buttons vary from bus to bus but are easy to find. Sometimes they are on the ceiling or on the bars that people hold if they have to stand.

Wait for the bus to come to a standstill and then get off.

Does anyone know about your fear? If you have someone you can trust ask them to go with you a couple of times until you feel comfortable going alone.

Good luck, let us all know how you get on xxx
2008-11-13 13:15:25 UTC
You check the timetable and find what time your bus gets at your stop.

You wait at the stop, if it is a request stop you will need to stick your hand out to stop the bus but more often that not the bus stops anyway.

When your bus has stopped you wait for people getting off to get off, then you get on.

You ask the driver for your ticket. I would get a return ticket instead of two single tickets, it's cheaper. I'm 15 so I say "A child's return to *destination here eg. Southampton* please" if you're an adult it would be "Adults return to *destination* please" and he will give you your ticket. It won't cost too much but it depends how far you are going, what bus company and where you live. It costs between £1.00 - £2.50 usually.

You go and sit down in a seat. When you want to get off, just before your stop you must press a red button marked "stop" so the bus stops at your station, then when he let's you off you get off.

When you return back on the bus you just get on nd sit down, unless you have only bought a single, in which case you'll have to buy another single ticket to you home bus stop.
2008-11-13 13:12:31 UTC
First you go on line wherever you are and find out where the bus runs and when. Find out the fare and have this amount in cash ready for the driver or the cash box. Determine where you want to go and get on the bus. It's easy, kind of fun, and it's not at all dangerous like so many believe.

My wife and I are retired military and we fly space available all over the world. We almost always use the local bus systems to get around when we are in unknown cities and sometimes use the bus routes to sight see.
2008-11-13 23:13:08 UTC
Don't worry about it. It's really easy. I know a lot of people have been giving you specifics, but each city's bus system varies. Just check the schedule online, and show up at the stop 5-10 minutes early with exact change ready. You can check the price online too. Everything else will come naturally.
2008-11-13 13:09:46 UTC
Well, if its a public bus, then you wait at the bus stop for the designated time you want to get onto the bus. When you see the bus coming down the street, you wait for it to completely stop and open its doors. Then you step on and insert money in change or have some sort of metro bus card. Then, you sit down and when your bus stop is about to come, you yank the chain type of thing above your head to make the bus stop at the next stop (your stop) and you get off. Or you can get off at a stop the bus stops at.
2008-11-13 13:12:57 UTC
first go to the bus stop

wait for the bus

i dont know where you live but it london the price is fixed, even if you are going to the last stop it will cost £2.00,

just get on the bus, pay or you could buy an oyster card, and find a seat if there are any availbale

and you will be taken to your destination
2008-11-13 13:11:47 UTC
When you're at the bus stop and a bus approaches the bus driver will stop automatically after seeing you.

You get on the bus and if you don't know how much it costs to go wherever you are going then you just tell the bus driver and he will tell you how much it is.

Once you have paid find an available seat and sit down.

Then when you're bus stop is approaching, there's a bell you can press so that the bus driver knows to stop there.

Once the bus stops you can get off.

Hope that helped. :-)
2008-11-13 13:11:56 UTC
different cities and bus companies have different methods. some have a bus conductor, some u give the money to the driver directly.

one of my friends had this fear too, so i just took her on the bus with me and talked her through what to do. get someone to help you for the first time, so you have an idea of what to do

good luck
The Doctor
2008-11-13 13:11:23 UTC
Wait till the bus comes. Stick your hand out to show you want it to stop. Ask for a child or adult (depends on how old you are) single/return to wherever you want to go. Pay for it. Find a seat, or stand if there are none (if you get a seat and someone who is disabled or old comes on, try and give it up for them unless you yourself are disabled or old).

When the time comes for you to get off, make sure you press the button in time so the driver has warning. When he stops, get off and say thank you :P

As for prices, that varies from area to area. Some places are up to £1.80 for a single (like where I live, grr), others are £1 or less.
2008-11-13 13:13:51 UTC
here in UK

Check bus time table to see which number you want

Wait at stop for a bus

see one coming?, see if its the number u want

if it is.. Wait till its near

Stick your hand out so bus driver can see u want it

wait for it to stop

get on... say to busdriver where u want to go

ie.. town please.. West road please.. whatever

he will tell u how much .. pay him and he will give u a ticket..

Sit down

Look at all the freaks and laugh to your self...

Make sure u press the bell when u are really near your stop!

Get off
2008-11-13 13:12:54 UTC
go to the bus stop

wait for the bus

when it comes and stops

get on and give the driver your destination

he will give you a price

you give him the money

you take your ticket

you go and sit down

you wait

then you get off when your ready
2008-11-13 13:10:11 UTC
for the average UK buses..

well you either say..

single for 1 way

return to come back again (cheaper than buying 2 singles)

so if you were going to leeds for example..

'single to leeds plz'

or if u under 14 i think say

'half single to leeds' it just halfs the price..

not sure wot prices are tho.
2008-11-13 13:14:26 UTC
dont get the buss!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.